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Elliotte Rusty Harold's new XML Object Model ( XOM) is a simple, tree-based API for XML, written in Java. XOM attempts to build on good ideas from other Java XML APIs -- SAX, DOM, and JDOM -- and to leave behind some of their frustrations. The result is a high-level open-source API that is easy to learn and use, assuming that you are already familiar with Java and XML. Unlike SAX, XOM is written with classes instead of interfaces, making it more straightforward to use. With SAX you must first implement interfaces before you can get it to work. This work is eased somewhat by helper classes like M does not stand by itself. It depends on an underlying SAX parser, such as a recent version of Xerces, to handle well-formedness checking and validation. XOM provides a simple interface to a parser, in effect hiding code without much of a performance hit. I like XOM for the same reasons I like RELAX NG: you can pick it up in a snap if you already have a reasonable familiarity with Java idioms. And, like RELAX NG, the more I use XOM, the more I like it. It is well considered and doesn't try to do everything or please everybody. For more information on XOM's relationship to other XML APIs, you can read a presentation that Elliotte gave at the New York XML SIG meeting on 17 September 2002. On the other hand, if you are underwhelmed by XOM's simplicity, you can go back to your favorite old API or mix APIs, taking what you like from each. But if simplicity, openness, and ready availability are keys to the wide adoption of software, XOM has little problem measuring up to that standard. Bear in mind that XOM is still a work in progress. This article only walks through part of the interface, but it should give you enough example code to get you well on your way. The sample programs and documents discussed in this article are available for download in ZIP archive form. And you can read the Javadocs for To run the examples, your system must have: Create a working directory and unzip the program archive there. Copy the Xerces and XOM JAR files there, too. The program To compile the program, type the command: Use colons to separate the JAR files if you are working on a UNIX platform. The command line explicitly places the Xerces and XOM JARs on the classpath, making it evident what is going on. I've renamed the latest XOM JAR, from "xom-1.0d8.jar" to "xom.jar" for simplicity. After you successfully compile the program, you can run it by typing The fully qualified file path for the argument to The With just a few changes, you can add validation support. In the following program ( When you add Compile this program and then run it against The document is validated against the DTD asserted in the document type declaration, When running Suppose you picked up a copy of This program imports the A The code also removes the The result looks like this ( You can use the The program creates five elements and appends these nodes after the last remaining child of Without You could also send the new XML document to standard output instead of a file (see the This last program, This program creates both a document type declaration and a processing instruction, then inserts them into the prolog of the Here is the file that this program outputs: It's worth noting that XOM avoids convenience methods like the plague. But it is flexible enough to allows users to write their own methods in subclasses. XOM also has several other packages, which I haven't discussed in this article: I've found XOM to be simple and straightforward. It offers me a lot of functionality without much fuss. If you have any suggestions for XOM's development, contribute them by subscribing to the XOM-interest mailing list.DefaultHandler
; but overall, interfaces make programming in SAX somewhat more complex, even though they also make SAX uniform and flexible. XOM's classes provide some flexibility by offering a number of check
methods that may be overridden in subclasses.nu.xom.*
online.Parsing a Document with XOM
checks a document for XML 1.0 well-formedness:
import java.io.IOException;
import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.ParseException;
public class Wf {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException, ParseException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document doc = builder.build(args[0]);
}javac -classpath xom.jar Wf.java
java -cp .;xercesImpl.jar;xom.jar Wf file:///wrk/inst.xml
may work more reliably than the filename alone, depending on your platform. If the program runs successfully and inst.xml
proves to be well-formed (it should), the program will echo the input and add an XML declaration:Wf.java
imports three XOM classes: nu.xom.Builder
, nu.xom.Document
, and nu.xom.ParseException
. Builder
creates a document object by reading an XML document. It can pick up the document from a file (as shown), a URL, or an input stream. Builder
's build()
method actually reads the document. Document
represents the document, including its document element and prolog. XML output is delivered by Document
's toXML()
method, with help from System.out.println()
. The entire document is echoed using this mechanism, with an XML declaration thrown in as part of the parcel.IOException
and ParseException
classes are checked and therefore required. They are declared the easy way in Wf.java
, that is, with a throws
keyword. Wf2.java
uses a try/catch
statement instead.Validating a Document with XOM
), notice three additions highlighted in bold.
import java.io.IOException;
import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.ParseException;
import nu.xom.ValidityException;
public class Val {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException, ParseException, ValidityException {
Builder builder = new Builder(true);
Document doc = builder.build(args[0]);
as an argument to the Builder
constructor, you create a document object that is set for validation. When this is the case, you also need to check for validity exceptions by importing nu.xom.ValidityException
and declaring it on main()
or in a try/catch
statement (see Val2.java
with this command:java -cp .;xercesImpl.jar;xom.jar Val file:///wrk/instant.xml
zone NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>Val.class
, success is indicated when the program echoes its input:Adding Elements and Attributes
and you wanted to add an element with an attribute to it? The program AddUtc.java
does just that (note changes in bold):import java.io.IOException;
import nu.xom.Attribute;
import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.Element;
import nu.xom.ParseException;
public class AddUtc {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException, ParseException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document doc = builder.build("inst.xml");
Element root = doc.getRootElement();
Element utc = new Element("utc");
Attribute att = new Attribute("offset", "-08:00");
root.insertChild(0, "\n ");
root.insertChild(1, utc);
and Attribute
classes from the nu.xom
package. Instead of using a command line argument to pick up a file to parse, it is hardcoded to grab inst.xml
. It uses the getRootElement()
method from the Document
class to determine the document element of inst.xml
element is created along with an offset
attribute using the Attribute
class. The addAttribute()
method from Element
adds this attribute to the utc
element. Calling insertChild()
inserts a text child at position 0, immediately after the root element time
. Following that, insertChild()
places the utc
element at position 1.time
element (and preceding whitespace) by using the removeChild()
method twice with the same argument value. (The argument represents a node position.) After XOM removes the first node (two contiguous whitespace characters), the following node (the time
element) moves up in the tree to the position previously occupied by the whitespace.utc.xml
):Serializing Output
class to encode output, format it, or send it to a file, among other things. The Time.java
program shows you how to do this.
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import nu.xom.Attribute;
import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.Element;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.Serializer;
import nu.xom.ParseException;
public class Time {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException, ParseException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document doc = builder.build("inst.xml");
Element root = doc.getRootElement();
Element utc = new Element("utc");
Attribute att = new Attribute("offset", "-08:00");
root.insertChild(0, "\n ");
root.insertChild(1, utc);
Element time = new Element("time");
Element hr = new Element("hour");
Element min = new Element("minute");
Element sec = new Element("second");
Element zone = new Element("zone");
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("inst-new.xml");
Serializer ser = new Serializer(out, "ISO-8859-1");
, which happens to be the date
element (the old time
element having been removed). The FileOutputStream
is also imported and an output file is created (inst-new.xml
). The constructor for Serializer
specifies an output stream and a character encoding (ISO-8859-1
). Serializer
also supports encoding for UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-10646-USC-2, and ISO-8859-2 through ISO-8859-16. The setIndent()
method indents child nodes by a line feed plus one space character. The write()
method writes the document to the file inst-new.xml
, the output of the new elements would appear without indentation, as in time2.xml
(see Time2.java
constructor in Time3.java
).One More Program
, adds several other common structures to the XML document:
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import nu.xom.Attribute;
import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.Comment;
import nu.xom.DocType;
import nu.xom.Element;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.Serializer;
import nu.xom.Text;
import nu.xom.ProcessingInstruction;
import nu.xom.ParseException;
public class Final {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws IOException, ParseException {
Builder builder = new Builder();
Document doc = builder.build("inst.xml");
Element root = doc.getRootElement();
DocType dtd = new DocType("instant", "final.dtd");
ProcessingInstruction pi =
new ProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet",
"href=\"final.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\"");
doc.insertChild(0, dtd);
doc.insertChild(1, pi);
Element utc = new Element("utc", "http://www.wyeast.net/utc");
Comment gmt = new Comment(" Greenwich Mean Time ");
Attribute att = new Attribute("offset", "-08:00");
root.insertChild(0, "\n ");
root.insertChild(1, gmt);
root.insertChild(2, "\n ");
root.insertChild(3, utc);
Element time = new Element("time");
Element hr = new Element("hour");
Text h = new Text("11");
Element min = new Element("minute");
Element sec = new Element("second");
Element zone = new Element("zone", "urn:wyeast-net:utc");
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("final.xml");
Serializer ser = new Serializer(out, "UTF-8");
. A namespace is declared for the utc
element and a comment is inserted just above it. The text child or content of the hour
element is set with the Text
class; then it's changed with the setData()
method of Text
. Another namespace is set for zone
in its Element
constructor and then altered with the setNamespaceURI()
Wrapping Up
, a serializer for outputting canonical XML; nu.xom.xslt
, supporting XSLT transformations for TrAX-aware processors, such as Saxon; and nu.xom.xinclude
, an implementation of XML Inclusions.
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