9:55:00 PM

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Vortex Effect


Step 1

Open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document with the size 400x400 pixels and a black background. Using the Brush Tool, select it from the Tools Tab, draw a shape like in the next picture, but first make another layer in the Layers Tab (set the color to white):

image start

Step 2

Distort the layer using Filter > Distort > Twirl with the next settings:

twirl settings

Step 3

Now select the Filter > Blur > Radial Blur with the settings:

blur settings

This is the result:

intermediary result

Step 4

Select the Rectangle Tool in the Tools Tab and draw a rectangle with a light green color like “#12FF00”. Set the “Blending Mode” for the layer in the Layers Tab to ”Multiply”:

intermediary result

Step 5

Duplicate the layer “Layer 1”, rotate it 90 degrees and set the “Blending Mode” for the layer to “overlay”:

intermediary result

Step 6

Select the layer “Layer 1” in the Layers Tab and delete the center with a “Soft Round Brush 200 pixels”:

intermediary result

Step 7

Duplicate the layer “Layer 1” make the size to 50% smaller, rotate it and place it in the position like here:

intermediary result

Step 8

A little bit attention to details and some small elements for the atmosphere and this is the result:

intermediary result


9:51:00 PM

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Tattoo Composition


Step 1

Create a new document in Adobe Photoshop with a white background. Type a letter in center of your document with a nice font like “Colonna MT” 200 pixels:

image start

Step 2

Type another “S”, this time with “French Script MT” font type and 150 pixels size, and place it in this position:

new font

Step 3

Duplicate the layer which contains the second “S” (select the layer in the Layers Tab and choose Duplicate Layer), flip it horizontally and then vertically, and move it in a new position like in the next picture (to flip the layer horizontal select Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal, and to flip the layer vertically choose Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical):

new font

Step 4

Link the layers in the Layers Tab, but do not link the layer “background”:

link layers

Step 5

Type another letter with the same font. Type a “D” and “Rasterize” the layer by right clicking and selecting Rasterize Layer in the Layers Tab:

new font

Step 6

With a “Hard Rounded Brush 19 Pixels” delete an area like here and move the layer in this position:

layer position

Step 7

Duplicate the layer and move it like here:

layer position

Step 8

Duplicate the layer again and delete an area like here:

duplicate layer

and move it in this position:

new position

Step 9

With a little bit attention to the details you can obtain a result much better then mine:

final result

Place your work on a model and see the result:

final result


9:50:00 PM

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Web Button


Step 1

Create a new document in Adobe Photoshop with the size 400x200 pixels and a black background. Using the Rounded Rectangle Tool draw a rectangle with white color:

draw rectangle

Step 2

In the Tools Tab select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and make a selection like in the next picture (first select the layer which contains the rectangle, in the Layers Tab):

make selection

Set the feather, for this selected area, to 20 pixels, and delete the area using the DEL key (press the DEL key three times):

deleted area

Step 3

Set the opacity, for this layer, to 60%. Duplicate the layer (right click in the Layers Tab and choose Duplicate Layer). Flip the new layer horizontally by selecting Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal, then flip it vertically by choosing Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical and move it like in this picture:

duplicate layer

Step 4

Apply the color overlay effect on the new layer. To make this step, select Layer > Layer Style > Color Overlay. Use the next settings for this effect:

overlay settings

Step 5

Type a text inside the button and set the layer opacity, in the Layers Tab, to 20%:

layer opacity

Step 6

On top of all the layers draw another white rectangle:

white rectangle

And set the opacity to 12%:

set opacity

Step 7

Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool in the Layers Tab, and make a selection like here:


Delete the selected area and move the selection to the right side of the rectangle (use the arrows to make this, but make sure that the Elliptical Marquee Tool is selected in the Tools Tab):


Delete the selected area and see the result:

intermediary result

Step 8

You can play with the details and obtain this:

button plus


9:47:00 PM

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Website Box Design


Step 1

Create a new document in Adobe Photoshop with the dimension 400x400 pixels and white background. Draw a rectangle with a very light grey color:

start rectangle

Step 2

Now we’ll add some effects on this rectangle. First we add the “Drop Shadow” effect. To do this select Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow. When applying this effect set the next settings in the window which appears:

drop shadow

And an intermediary result:

intermediary result

Step 3

Select Layer > Layer Style > Inner Shadow and apply the effect with the next settings:

inner shadow

And another intermediary result:

intermediary result

Step 4

Duplicate the layer using right click in the Layers Tab and selecting Duplicate Layer. Set the color to the new layer to a light blue (select Layer > Layer Style > Color Overlay and set the color in the settings window that appears to a light blue). In the Layers Tab set the “Blending Mode for this Layer” to “Color Burn”. Your result should be something like this:

intermediary result

Step 5

Duplicate the new layer and set the color overlay settings like here:

color overlay

And the result:

intermediary result

Step 6

On the new layer make a selection like here:

selected area

Use the DEL key to delete the selected area:

intermediary result

Step 7

Apply other elements to your box like some bullets or text and this is the final result:

final result


9:45:00 PM

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Poster design


Step 1

In this tutorial you’ll learn how to design a party poster with Adobe Photoshop.
Save the next picture on your computer. You need it to complete this tutorial:

start picture

Step 2

Open the picture with Adobe Photoshop. Create a new document with a black background and the size 500x500 pixels. Import the picture in your document using “Drag & Drop” method (drag the picture in your document):

start picture

Step 3

Select the layer which contains the picture, in the Layers Tab, and choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Threshold. Set the “Threshold level” to 130:

hold picture

Select the Blur Tool in the Tools Tab and adjust the picture (trace over the picture with the tool):

adjust picture

Step 4

Duplicate the layer which contains the picture (right click in the Layers Tab and select Duplicate Layer) and move it in a position like here:

duplicate layer

Step 5

Draw a rectangle with a pink color and place it at the top of your work and above all layers:

draw rectangle

Step 6

Draw another one and place it like here:

draw rectangle

Step 7

Select the first pink rectangle and set the opacity, in the Layers Tab, to 50%. Select the second rectangle and set the opacity to 25%, and move it above the first one like in the next picture:

pink picture

Step 8

Duplicate the last rectangle, set the opacity to 50%, and place it like here:

pink picture

Step 9

Repeat the step until your result is something like this:

pink picture

Step 10

Ok. You can add another elements to your work, like text or other graphics. This is my result:

final picture
