12:34:00 PM

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Crafted Volume


I accept started with a cede with the accepted colorisation below

Set the besom as aloft and besom beyond the breadth appropriate for accepted aggregate lighting agnate to that apparent below.

Apply Filter > Blur > Radial Blur Zoom 100%. The aftereffect should be similiar to below

using the above eraser settings. Lightly brush over the lighting like the image below

Apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur radius 2.5.

Using the aloft settings for the apprehend apparatus while captivation about-face baddest from locations of the cede as apparent below.

Now artlessly annul these exceptionable areas from the aggregate ablaze area.

Here is an archetype of it in use.

Author: Tremorwave

Important note: The columnist is not a accustomed English apostle and there is a top adventitious of mistakes in every way. Corrections and comments are welcome.


11:37:00 AM

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Creating Old-looking Images



First at all, accept a picture:

We're traveling to plan with one from Virgin-stock, one of my favorites in DA. We afflicted the size, creating a "zoom" in the face.


We administer actuality Filter > Noise > Dust & Scratches using: Radious: 4 pixels and Threshold: 0

This will advice to camouflage the image's pixelation.


Making a archetype of this layer, we advance to administer a blur: Filter > Becloud > Gaussian becloud ... Application 15 pixels. Ok, now bang and add a affectation to the layer. Application the adorable acclivity apparatus accomplish a acclivity in the affectation like the angel in the left.


This is the aftereffect of absorb both layers.


Now beat in this figure in the layers palette, baddest Hue/Saturation and use this values: Hue: 38 Saturation: 22 Lightness: 0 be abiding you analysis the "Colorize" option. Now the angel will attending like the angel in the left.


Open a arrangement angel from zombie-stock, archetype (Ctrl+C) and adhesive it (Ctrl+V) into a new band and set this one to Multiply.


I bang afresh and accept Brightness/Contrast, using: Brightness: -16 and Contrast: +15.


Well... I use a alike from the aboriginal layer, change the colors application Curves and Selective Color (From the Angel > Adjustment menu) and set the band to Soft light...


...And add a brace of little bleared white circles in the eyes, in a new band in Overlay mode.


Now, save the angel scratchtexture.jpg (in the left), accessible it, baddest all and hit Edit > Define Pattern


Fill a new band with it, and set this one to Soft light. Add a bound and that's finished! An old and admirable picture.


11:31:00 AM

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Apply Darker Blue Sky To Your Photograph


1. Open the angel that you wish to edit. File > Open > Image name.

2. Then go to Image > Adjust > Selective Blush and administer the afterward settings:

- Colors = Blues

- Cyan = 0%

- Magneta = 0%

- Yellow = 0%

- Black = 100%

- Method = Relative

(Change blush settings to your affection if you want)

Press OK.

3. Make a blush alternative by hitting the Ctl + Alt + ~ .

4. Make a alike archetype of the angel (Ctl+J) or Band > New > Band Via Copy.

5. Select the new band and set the new layer's Blending approach to blush burn.

6. Now in the new band abolish the locations that you don't wish darkend. In this tutorial I asleep the allotment that's over the stones and the grass.

7. Final result.


10:11:00 AM

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Text Shadow


1. Open a new document. (The admeasurement I acclimated is 500x100) Now blazon some text, doesn't absolutely amount what. (I acclimated Arial Black 36pt)

2. Now hit CTRL + A(=select all), CTRL + C(=copy) and again CTRL + V(=paste). You accept now affected the layer. Move the new band absolutely aloft the aboriginal argument layer.

Hit CTRL + T(=transform) and bang the appropriate abrasion button, baddest "flip vertical". Now move the band down by boring it or application the arrow keys.

3. Hit CTRL + T afresh and now baddest "Perspective". Move the lower appropriate box to the right.

You should now accept something like this:

4. Now artlessly go to the layers window and lower the caliginosity of the "reflection layer" to whatever you want. (I acclimated 25%)


9:55:00 AM

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Perspective Text


1. First let's actualize some text. Here we acclimated Impact.

2. Then we wish to about-face this argument into a shape. This will acquiesce us to transform its appearance in any way we want. We can skew it and accord it perspective. To do this go Layer > Type > Convert to Shape. After this is done, we will no best accept the adeptness to adapt the text. So accomplish abiding you accept your argument the way you wish it afore you do this.

Above is what your canvas will attending like if you accept adapted the argument into a shape.

Next we are traveling to transform it. Go Edit -> Transform -> Perspective. Grab either the top or the basal larboard corners of the transformation box. Pull the handle on the bend up or down depending on which bend you chose. This will administer a angle transformation to the argument shape.

Now that this is done, we will charge to rasterize the appearance in adjustment to abolish the appearance path. Go Layer -> Rasterize -> Shape. This will actualize a absolutely rasterized image.

Notice how apple-pie and brittle the argument is afterwards accomplishing this. If we were to rasterize the blazon afore we adapted it, we would end up with a down-covered edge. By aboriginal transforming our argument into a agent shape, we anticipate this from happening.

This is a abundant little ambush that you will apparently acquisition use for at some point. It alone takes a additional to do, but it makes a abundant bigger final artefact if you transform the appearance aboriginal rather that rasterizing and again transforming.


9:51:00 AM

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Outline Text


1. We're gonna alpha off by creating a new certificate (CTRL + N). I fabricated this one 500x100px. Add a new argument layer. Now if you're acute you'll accept a adventurous font, because attenuate baby will be harder to apprehend already you "outlined" them. I acclimated Arial Black, 36pt.

2. Now go to Blending Options (Right-click on argument layer) Turn the "fill opacity" down to 0%. The argument should accept disappeared.

3. Select Stroke anatomy the account (still in the aggregate options menu). Size: 2 pixels, Fill Type: Color. Then aces a blush you anticipate would be acceptable for the outline and Voila!


9:41:00 AM

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Matrix Text


1. Set #003100 (Dark green) as your beginning color. Now Use the argument apparatus and blazon out what you want, I acclimated Arial Black, 36pt.

2. Go to Filter > Becloud > Gaussian becloud and bang ok for rasterizing the layer. Set ambit to 1.

3. Now go to Filter > Distort > Ocean ripple and set these settings:

Ripple size: 5

Ripple Magnitude: 10

4. Duplicate the band and go to Filter > Sketch > Water cardboard and set this settings:

Fiber length: 42

Brightness: 70

Contrast: 64

5. In the layers toolbar set the alloy approach to Hardlight, or whatever you anticipate looks better.

Merge the two layers (Ctrl+E).

6. Duplicate the band and go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and use these settings:

Angle: 90

Distance: 33

Set the alloy approach to Hardlight.


9:35:00 AM

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iMac Text


1. Type some text. I used: TG application the chantry "Lucida console" the chantry blush doesnt amount so just aces one.

2. Now go to Blending Options (Right-click on argument layer).

Select (and modify) the following:

Dropshadow, blush to #4B6B95

Innershadow, blush to #304B98

Outerglow, blush to #44CAFE

Innerglow, blush to #314E9A

Bevel and emboss

Contour, now just bifold bang on the little box and you'll see something like this:

3. Create 2 added credibility to accept a absolute of 4 credibility and accord them the afterward input-output values:

point 1: input: 0% output: 0%

point 2: input: 27% output: 4%

point 3: input: 59% output: 56%

point 4: input: 100% output: 99%

You'll see something like this:

4. Baddest satin, change the blush to #60ACFF and change the curve to "ring".

And assuredly baddest blush bury and change the blush to #B7E1F7.


9:17:00 AM

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Exploding Text


This tutorial will advise you how to accomplish argument backfire with light.

Create a new certificate in your archetype of Photoshop.

Settings :

Now blazon some argument with your pen tool

Use 48 pt, blush black, the chantry is your choice.

The best the argument line, the added becloud you will accept to do. To accumulate it simple blazon in the chat TutorialMan with caps and lower case.

Now we are traveling to rasterize our argument layer. Right bang on your argument band and baddest Rasterize. Your argument layers will now about-face from agent to pixel.

We're traveling to add a new band now. Right bang on the argument band you just rasterized and baddest Duplicate Layer

Select the new band on your band console as your accepted alteration layer.

Set your beginning blush to white and bang Edit > Fill.

Setting :

Now we are traveling to Blur your pixels: Select the card Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

Setting: 5.2

Changing your alike calibration in fact interprets that your pixel credibility accept been in a

polar blueprint and regraphs them in a ellipsoidal blueprint which is the accustomed blueprint a lot of are accustomed with. (if you took advvanced algebraic in hs you may bethink the arctic graph) What we are accomplishing is alteration the way the pixels are oriented, applying an aftereffect to them in that new state, again will change the graphing adjustment back.

Select Filter > Distort > Arctic Coordinates.

Setting : Arctic to Rectangular

Rotate your canvas to get your wind to acclimatize correctly. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW

Apply a wind to your alive layer. Filter > Stylize > Wind.

Settings :

A little breach in between. Your activity should attending something like this.

Apply wind a additional time. Filter > Stylize > Wind

Adust the levelsby beat Angel > Adjust > Auto Levels

Click Angel >Adjust >Invert

Apply wind a third time. Filter > Stylize > Wind

Apply wind a fourth and endure time. Filter > Stylize > Wind

Rotate your canvas aback to accustomed by beat Angel > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW

Change your coordinates aback by beat Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates.

Setting : Rectangular to Polar

On the band console Set Band Mode to Hard Light.

Now it is time to colorize your image. Click Angel > Adjust > Hue/Saturation.

Be abiding to :

Check the "Colorize" checkbox and play with the settings of

Set saturations up to the top

Select the Hue of choice

set your assimilation down to the akin you wish .

And you should get something like this


9:09:00 AM

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Clean Text


1. First, actualize an angel about 300 x 100 pixels, and 72 pixels/inch. Baddest a beginning colour of #CACACA, and ample the image, to accomplish the accomplishments this colour.

When you've abounding the background, again baddest your argument tool, and add the argument you wish to add, accomplish the colour of the argument abutting to #3F3F3F A darker grey. Once done, you should accept something agnate to the angel below.

2. OK, now we can add the shadow. It is as simple as abacus a band effect, and can appear in actual usefull for added things too. Go to Blending Options (Right-click on argument layer).

Use the options below, to get the effect. You can consistently play about a little with these, if it does not suit. (The colour acclimated for the adumbration is #8A8A8A)

So already you accept that, just bang OK, and you should get your final result. It's as simple as that!


8:47:00 AM

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Blood Effect


1. Create new book with 72 PPI and white background. The approach has to be Grayscale. Type the argument with blubbery font.

2. Select > Load Selection

(Choose Layer Transparency)

3. Layer > Flatten Image

4. Select > Inverse

5. Filter > Pixelate > Crystallize (cell admeasurement 4)

6. Select > Invers

7. Noise > Add Noise

(Guassian, Monochromatic, Amount. 70)

8. Becloud > Guassian becloud (Radius 2.0)

9. Image > Adjust > Curve

(make the ambit as apparent in fig.)

10. Press Ctrl + D to deselect

11. Image > Adjust > Invert

12. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW

13. Filter > Stylize > Wind

14. Method : Wind Direction : From the Right

15. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CCW

16. Image > Mode > RGB

17. Image > Adjust > Hue Saturation

18. Click Colorize

19. Drag the Saturation slider to 100

20. Drag the Lightness slider to -5
