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Vortex Effect


Step 1

Open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document with the size 400x400 pixels and a black background. Using the Brush Tool, select it from the Tools Tab, draw a shape like in the next picture, but first make another layer in the Layers Tab (set the color to white):

image start

Step 2

Distort the layer using Filter > Distort > Twirl with the next settings:

twirl settings

Step 3

Now select the Filter > Blur > Radial Blur with the settings:

blur settings

This is the result:

intermediary result

Step 4

Select the Rectangle Tool in the Tools Tab and draw a rectangle with a light green color like “#12FF00”. Set the “Blending Mode” for the layer in the Layers Tab to ”Multiply”:

intermediary result

Step 5

Duplicate the layer “Layer 1”, rotate it 90 degrees and set the “Blending Mode” for the layer to “overlay”:

intermediary result

Step 6

Select the layer “Layer 1” in the Layers Tab and delete the center with a “Soft Round Brush 200 pixels”:

intermediary result

Step 7

Duplicate the layer “Layer 1” make the size to 50% smaller, rotate it and place it in the position like here:

intermediary result

Step 8

A little bit attention to details and some small elements for the atmosphere and this is the result:

intermediary result

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