11:46:00 AM
[2] Take the Elliptical Marquee Tool.
[3] Now set the Foreground Color see in the next image.
[4] Now create a circle then go to Select>Feather Selection use these values.
[5] Now fill the selection with help of Alt+Backspace.
[6] Then set the Opacity of this layer.
[7] Your image should be look like this.
[8] Now create another Circle with the help of Elliptical Marquee Tool, then fill the selection with Red color.
[9] Now set the Foreground Color see in the next image.
[10] Now create another Circle with the help of Elliptical Marquee Tool and fill the color.
[11] Then go to Blending Option use the following settings.
[12] Your image should be look like this.
[13] Now hold Cntl+Click the Previous Layer, then take the Rectangular Marquee Tool use the following settings.
[14] Create a new shape over the circle shape see in the next image.
[15] Your image should be look like this.
[16] Then fill the selection with White color.
[17] Now set the Opacity see in the next image.
[18] Your image should be look like this.
[19] Now create a new shape with the help of Pen Tool.
[20] And then take the Gradient Tool use these settings.
[21] Fill the selection with the help of Gradient Tool.
[22] Now create a new shape with the help of Pen Tool.
[23] Create a new layer make the selection and fill with White color.
[24] Your final image is ready.
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