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Design 3D Object with Photoshop


Step 1

Create a new document in Adobe Photoshop. Set the size to 500x500 pixels and the background color to black. Draw a rectangle using the Rectangle Tool and apply the gradient overlay effect on the layer. To do this select the layer in the Layers Tab and choose Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay. Use the next settings when applying the gradient effect:

gradient overlay

The result should be something like this:

gradient result

Step 2

Distort the rectangle using Edit > Transform > Perspective and dragging the bottom left corner to the center of the rectangle:

distort result

Step 3

At the top of the rectangle draw an ellipse and apply the gradient overlay with the settings:

gradient overlay

This is the result:

gradient result

Step 4

Select the layer which contains the rectangle, in the Layer Tab, and make a selection like here:

selected area

Now select Select > Inverse, and use the DELETE key to delete the selected area. The result should be like this:

delete result

Step 5

You can draw another black rectangle and delete the area until you obtain a triangle, duplicate it and move it. Duplicate it and move it again, until the result looks like this:

intermediary result

Step 6

You can add other graphic elements:

final result

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