12:12:00 AM
Photo Manipulation
Step 1
Step 2
Create a new document in Adobe Photoshop with the size 360x600 pixels. Drag the picture which you saved in this new document and place it at the bottom. Draw now a rectangle in a new layer with a light blue color like #7AB5FD; set the “blending mode” for this layer, in the Layers Tab, to “Soft Light”:
Step 3
“Rasterize” the blue rectangle. To do this, right click in the Layers Tab, and select Rasterize Layer. Now, with a small brush like “Soft Rounded 30 pixels”, and delete the area which contain the shadow of the headphones:
Step 4
Duplicate the layer “Layer 1” and delete an area like here with same brush tool:
Add the motion blur effect on this layer. To do this select Filter > Blur > Motion Blur with the next settings:
After these steps your result should be something like this:
Step 5
Select the layer “Layer 1 copy” in the Layers Tab and set the opacity to 72%; move it in the position like here:
Step 6
Duplicate the layer “Layer 1 copy” and apply the motion blur effect with the next settings:
Move the layer in the position like here and set the opacity to 50%:
Step 7
Select the layer “Shape 1” and delete an area like in the next picture, using a “rounded soft brush 100 pixels”:
Step 8
Draw a rectangle, with a yellow color, above all layers, and place it lake here; set the “blending mode” to “Soft Light”:
Step 9
With a “Soft Rounded Brush 200 pixels” delete an area and here’s the result:
Now you can play with the contrast and luminosity, or lighting effect to get this:
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