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Fully Shaded Pencil Sketch - part 1


Tutorial goal:
I am going to show you an easy way to transform photos into fully shaded pencil sketches. We will be using very basic photoshop skills and two filters. I did this image in CS4, but since it is very basic I would imagine it could be done with any version. So let us begin.

End result:
Fully Shaded Pencil Sketch Final Image

step 1

The Goal

We want to take a photo like the one pictured here and turn it into a fully shaded pencil sketch like the image below.

step 2

Step One:
Select your image and load it into Photoshop of course.
Then click on the "New layer" icon in the Layers pallet to create two empty layers above our original background layer.

Your layer pallet should look like this.

step 3

Step Two:
Select the Paint Bucket Tool.
Make sure you are using the default colors by hitting the d key.
Make sure your foreground color is white.
Select Layer 1 and fill it with white.
Tap the X key to switch the fore & background colors and then select Layer 2, and fill it with black.

step 4

Step Three:
Now while you still have Layer Two (the top layer) selected, go ahead and flip the fore & background colors by taping the X key again.
Ok, Go to Filters / Sketch / Note Paper, and apply the default settings of:
Balance 25
Graininess 10
Relief 11
and select OK

step 5

Step Four:
Still working on our Black Layer, we are going to adjust the levels.
Hit Ctrl / L and pull the sliders in to the edges of the bell curve like so.

step 6

Step Five:
Next thing we will do to the Black Layer is apply a little motion blur. That is under Filters / Blur / Motion Blur.
Use the setting:
Angle -40
Distance 13

This will be the simulation of the pencil marks in the shaded areas of our final image.

step 7

Step Six:
We are done with the Black Layer for now.
Make the Black and the White Layers invisible by clicking on the little Eye icons.

Now, make the original background layer visible, if it is not visible already, by clicking on the small empty box at the left edge of the layer.
Select the original background layer and drag it down to the New Layer icon to duplicate it.
Select the newly created "Background Copy" to make it the active Layer.
Hit Ctrl / Shift / U to desaturate it.
Hit Ctrl / L to bring up the Levels and pull the sliders way in like in this image, to give us a high contrast image. However don't over do it, we don't want it to be stark black and white, we want to keep just a little bit of those mid tones.

step 8

Step Seven:
With our high contrast desaturated image still active, tap Ctrl / I to invert the image.
On the Menu chose, Selections / All.
Then Edit / Copy

Click the Eye icon on the Desaturated image to turn it off.

Make our Black Layer visible again by clicking on the small empty box at the left edge of the layer.
Select the Black Layer to make it the active layer,
Click the Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the layer pallet to add a mask to the Black Layer.
Alt / click on the Mask thumbnail. The image will turn all white.
Chose Edit / Paste to paste the inverted high contrast image into the mask.
Re-click on the eye to turn the black layer back on.
Set the blending mode to Hard Light.

Click on the eye icon on the white layer to make it visible as well.

your image should look like this.

step 9

Step Eight:
Click on the Mask Thumbnail of the Black Layer so that it has the little white box around it.
Hit Ctrl / L to bring up the Levels adjustment again and fine tune the balance of the light and dark to your liking.

step 10

Step Nine:

And finally, we want to lose a little of the regularity in the simulated pencil strokes.

So Select the blur tool and set the strength to about 50.
Select the Black Layer's image thumbnail (the one on the left, not the mask) so that it has the white frame around it.
Brush the blur tool around on the black portions in random circles to soften the little white lines up a bit.

And there you have it.

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